La Petite Boucle: the micro-hub, essential to the profitability of pallet flow Retour aux articles La Petite Boucle La Petite Boucle a inauguré son micro-hub en juin 2024 et depuis, elle a triplé son nombre de livraisons quotidiennes. Fondée en 2021, La Petite Boucle s’est spéci... BicyLift Cyclo-logistique
Your personalized BicyLift uses Retour aux articles Les Ateliers du Geste : bicycle woodworking workshop A mobile carpentry workshop in schools, community centers and other places was Rafaël's idea 10 years ago. 2 years ago, the B... BicyLift
Supplying construction sites by bike On a construction site , several dozen suppliers may deliver goods daily to the various contractors and subcontractors operating on the site. In Brussels, it is estimated that construction site logist... BicyLift Cyclo-logistique
Marguerite : la Cyclomobilité Professionnelle au coeur du Programme - France Only La Fabrique de Logistique , un incubateur de projets innovants dans le domaine du transport et de la logistique, a été lauréate de l’appel à Programme CEE 2022 Logistique urbaine pour le projet baptis... CEE Cyclo-logistique FlexiModal
Reverse Logistics in Urban Logistics: One of the keys to profitability Retour aux articles Introduction Urban logistics is a crucial issue for today's major metropolises, where optimizing goods flows is essential to reducing traffic congestion and CO2 emissions, and impr...
A vélo 37: the Reference for Local Delivery in Tours Retour aux articles Adrien Pitault , founder of A vélo 37 in Tours, has become a local figure thanks to his various activities. Cold deliveries with Stef , biowaste collection from hotels with les Ver...
OVO - The Nano-Hub for Urban Logistics Retour aux articles To promote "short circuits, sustainable development and energy efficiency", Ovo has developed three "Nano-Hubs". Located in half a parking space on the outskirts of town, they are ... Client Cyclo-logistique
Springare : Parisian Couriers Specializing in Custom Deliveries Retour aux articles Since 2018, a team of passionate couriers has been crisscrossing Paris by cargo bike in the service of urban eco-logistics : Springare was founded to create a “quality, tailor-made... Client Runner température dirigée
Urbike : Deploying Cyclelogistics in Belgium Retour aux articles Urbike ,is a cooperative that acts to deploy cyclologistics and professional cyclo-mobility in Belgium. It was created in March 2018, under the impulse of the BCklet ("bicycle") ex... BicyLift Client Cyclo-logistique Runner
Les Coursiers Dinannais : when small towns take to cyclelogistics Retour aux articles Cyclelogistics is meant for all, not only big cities. For the town of Dinan and its agglomeration, cyclelogistics, proposed by François Lemoine in 2022, has proved to be the answer... BicyLift Client Cyclo-logistique
Solutrans: the Mondial Hub for Industrial and Urban Vehicles Retour aux articles This year, the cargo bike had a special place at Solutrans, the show usually dedicated to trucks! Logistics is evolving, and innovations in CO2 emissions reduction, improved workin... Conteneurisation Récompenses Salon TricyLift
Ayopa by Delanchy - Containerize to Maintain the Cold Chain Retour aux articles "In Paris, we deliver 1 to 5 tonnes a day, and in Lyon 1 to 2 tonnes," explains Mathieu Al Mousli, co-founder of Ayopa alongside Simon Paramananda.. Mathieu, as restaurant owner, w... BicyLift Client Conteneur isotherme